At the LMA Executive Board meeting held on December 14, 2016, the board approved the 2017 budget which includes funding of $10,000.00 towards the “Municipal Clerks Technical Assistance Program.”  This program will allow LMCA to assist a municipality with a new clerk by sending a seasoned clerk to show them “the ropes”.  It is truly humbling that the LMA has noticed the need and provided much needed resources to help.  Special thanks to LMA Past President Carroll Breaux, Mayor of Springhill for spearheading this project. 

Clerks, we now need your help!  The goal of this current initiative is to gather information regarding job duties, population and software that is used by your municipality.  This will allow the Chairperson of the Clerks Technical Assistance Program to send an experienced clerk that is compatible to the requesting clerk.  Click here to fill out the survey requesting this information if you have not done so already. If you are interested in assisting and helping a new clerk, I encourage you to email Meshaun Arcenaux at

LMA's generosity will help fund the experienced clerk’s expenses, such as mileage and meals.  But the best news of all is that funds remaining will allow LMCA to award additional Institute scholarships to clerks who truly need the training.

Please do not hesitate to contact me or any board members if you have any questions.  And thank you for making LMCA so special!   

Contract between Training Clerk and the LMCA

Contract between Municipality and Municipality
Travel Reimbursement Form 

Louisiana Municipal Clerks Association

Physical Address

6767 Perkins Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Office: (225) 344-5001
Toll Free: (800) 234-8274
Fax: (225)344-3057

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 4327 
Baton Rouge, LA 70821

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