LMA Constitution

The LMA Constitution was adopted in 1949 in Monroe, Louisiana by the Board of Directors.  This document contains the LMA’s 17 articles.

LMA Constitution

LMA Legal Assistance Policy

The LMA legal Assistance Policy Statement states that the LMA is not authorized to provide legal opinions or assistance to any municipality.  If you have a legal or technical question please contact your staff attorney. 

LMA Legal Assistance Policy


LMA Personnel Policies and Procedures

The LMA Personnel Policies and Procedures handbook serves as a guidance to our member municipalities.  This handbook covers everything from employee leave policy, purchasing policy, whistle blower policy and more.

LMA Personnel Policies and Procedures


LMA Municipal Directory

The Louisiana Municipal Association publishes the LMA Municipal Directory each year.  This directory contains municipal information such as their operating hours and charter as well as the mayor, council members, clerks, fire chiefs, and police chief contact information. To inquire about the LMA Municipal Directory contact Tracy Melancon, Director of Information Technology. To search individual municipalities personnel and information, go to the Membership Service tab. 

LMA Policy Statements

The LMA Policy Statements provides information on policies to guide the actions of local governments and resolve local problems.  Policies included in this document are community and economic development, effective local government, environmental quality, intergovernmental relations, public safety, and revenue and finance.

2021 LMA Policy Statements
(Adobe PDF File)